Expert Advice

Why it’s Important to Teach Jarjums Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

In the early years, a lot of children can be naturally ego-centric. They may think mostly about themselves and their immediate needs. This is completely natural, children are just beginning to understand their emotions and their own needs. Figuring that all out is an important first step to becoming an emotionally intelligent adult.

However, developing a sense of empathy is also an important developmental process for young children. It can benefit them not only in childhood and early education, but well into their adult life.

Why is it important for jarjums or gundoos?

Creating an understanding of how others might be feeling, how their own actions can impact others and why someone might be experiencing certain feelings at a particular time is a valuable skills for anyone to possess.

Starting this process early with young children is beneficial because it can help them to build a sense of security and stronger relationships with other children and educators. This means they’re in a great place for future learning.

It also encourages tolerance and acceptance of others, as well as good mental health and it can promote social harmony amongst children. This can also help to reduce the likelihood of bullying in the present and future.

Developing these empathetic skills can also benefit adult life too. Empathetic adults may have greater success both personally and professionally as well as higher levels of overall happiness. They also report a better ability to understand others, such as co-workers or customers.

Adults with a great understanding of empathetic practice also experience more success in leadership positions, more satisfying relationships and can be better at dealing with conflict. They also tend to have lower levels of stress.

The benefits of strengthening the empathetic muscle really are widespread!

For your jarjums or gundoos, the development of empathy is a really great way to teach them how to regulate their emotions, which can translate into being able to adapt and succeed no matter what obstacles life throws their way.

How can you help your jarjums or gundoo develop empathy?

The great thing is, you are your little one’s first and most important teacher, and modelling empathetic behaviour is one of the best ways to teach this valuable skill to your children.

Other ways can include:

  • Helping them to name their feelings. Understanding their own feelings is an important first step in understanding the feelings of others.
  • Talking to them about how other people may be feeling and why. You can even practice with characters on television shows. This helps to build their emotional language and think about other people’s perspectives.
  • Caring for animals and plants can also help children understand the role they play in helping another living thing survive, thrive and be happy.

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